Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My game plan

Now I am really excited about doing this! So far Rachel and Susan have committed and I hope that Vibeke joins in. I am looking forward to seeing their work.

I am trying to sort out my game plan to this assignment. Some suggestions that have helped me in the past include:

1. Shoot a roll of film in 2 minutes
2. Don't take photos from your standing eye level
3. Keep a journal of images that seemed interesting - do this daily
4. Have your camera with you at all times
5. Paint every day
6. Don't end an art session unhappy with your results - stick it out
7. Spend time with an image or color that you don't like or understand
8. Look at art
9. Find the gesture
10. Be aware of the background

I am sure that there are more tidbits. I will see if any other things come up.

I have learned that my paint supply is in disrepair (they don't store well in my garage) and that it is too cold to paint outside. My indoor space seems to have been taken over by the music gear. I cant stand my camera lens. I might look into renting one. I also hope that we can find some time to pay attention to our daughter this coming month! Enough kvetching!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Getting Started

I am getting ready to launch this art project. Inspired by the 29-day project from 2008, my goal is to create some sort of visual art piece and then post the results here daily. Over the years, I have found that I have a hard time committing to doing art; it seems to get stuck forever on the low priorities list. There was always something more pressing to do. I had some legitimate excuses for my endless procrastination, but often it was plain old laziness. The other issue is the self critic who never believes the what I made was "good enough" for others to view.

When I took art classes, one of the most helpful parts was to just have the assignments and the accountability. I have to admit that in my painting class at Merritt College, I would often wake up at 5 am on Saturdays to begin and complete my work for the 10 am class. I also enjoyed the easing into my creative world by having to do quick gesture sketches in my figure drawing class. It was just the transition I needed from my work at Fred Finch Youth Center; there were many times that I ran to class right after witnessing a dysfunctional family fall apart right in front of me. I needed to see and make some attempt at bringing something beautiful into my world. The human body is such a perfect form. It was also great to have the support from the community of teachers and fellow students. We learned how to give and accept critique.

I have come to accept that I need something outside of me to get me going in art. Derek and his friends did the song a day project last year (and they are going for it again this year) so why not piggy back and do art-a-day? My goal is to have fun, do and to dim my self-critic's volume a bit. I also hope to get other artists/photographers to join in the fun too. If you are interested, pass me a note. I am going to begin this February 1, 2009.

Right now, I use the term "art piece" rather loosely to include sketches or unfinished work to work deemed complete - work that I might have been cautious to share with others. It can be in any format - drawing, painting or photo. Whatever is inspiring at that moment. The main hope is to just do something and to get some of the creative juices flowing again.

"Illusions are art, for the feeling person, and it is by art that you live, if you do."
Elizabeth Bowen
Irish novelist & short story author (1899 - 1973)